Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is Obama Destined to Win?

The Destiny Card Reading System defines the cycles in our lives by assigning a different playing card to each day of the year. Supposedly each card has unique characteristics that describe the nature of the person born on the day the card rules. Thus a person born on a Queen of Hearts day is predicted to have insight into love and marriage, while a person who's card is an Ace of Spades will be drawn to opportunities for launching new projects. This week I thought it would be interesting to look at the presidential candidate's Destiny Cards to see if the cards gave us any clues as to the men's prospects in the upcoming election.

President Barack Obama was born August 4, 1961, a 9 of Diamonds day. Diamonds have to do with money and 9's represent universal values and global perspective. 9's take everyone possible into consideration when they are creating, planning, or making decisions. No wonder Obama refused to ramrod directives through when he had a majority in the Senate. His message was/is all about getting people to work together. Furthermore, 9's represent death and rebirth, re-creation and reinvention. How appropriate that Obama became president at a time when the country was in a financial and emotional death grip. He envisioned a rebirth and voters joyously embraced his affirmation that we all could work together to turn things around, "Yes We Can!" Now however four years have passed and the country is still having economic difficulties. The electorate must decide, is Obama's vision of America working together realistic or is it time to change leadership? The Republicans have nominated Governor Romney - March 12, 1947 who happens to be a Jack of Diamonds. All Jacks represent clever people who can cut corners and come up with schemes to get what they want. The Jack of Diamonds particularly describes a businessman who knows how to play the money game. Romney is known for being a self-made millionaire and his key campaign promise has been that with his financial expertise he is the candidate better suited to rebuild our economy. So who's vibration resonates more with the electorate this year? Do the majority of voters still believe in Obama's idealistic message of brotherhood? Or are voters feeling it's time to get real and follow a leader with a specific knack for managing finances?

Perhaps we can get greater insight by also looking at the candidates cards for the year ahead. Along with a Birth Card, The Destiny Card System assigns each person a specific card for every year of life. Romney's card for this year is the Ten of Hearts, a particularly positive omen for being loved by large groups. But wait a minute, Obama's annual card is the Queen of Spades, an equally powerful symbol for success. No wonder the polls have them running neck and neck! So who's holding the best hand over all?

To get the defining answer I called my friend Bruce The Bookie. Now after talking to Bruce, even though the polls show the two candidates in a dead heat, my money is on Obama. Bruce is involved in the gambling industry in Las Vegas and he tells me that while the pollsters say the candidates are nearly even, the people who bet on these things, the people whose instincts are right enough often enough that they are willing to put money on their hunches, these folks have run up the odds in favor of Obama. Bruce trusts the gamblers. He says he's seen time and again how The Collective Unconscious knows in advance what the final outcomes are going to be. When a large group of people individually one by one feels to place their money on a candidate, a horse or a raindrop, that pick almost invariably turns out to be the winner. So if you're tired of listening to all the campaign rhetoric and want to skip the debates and the polls and the news analysts and just cut to the finish:
My friend Bruce The Bookie says Obama is Destiny's Child by 2 to 1.

Meanwhile I'm voting for you!

Rosada, EXT 2340

1 comment:

  1. I support the candidate that supports equal rights for all citizens. Economy is a group effort and a addendum to the conservative party to not work with the president isn't cooperative, nor is their stance that marriage is only for one type of people.
