Saturday, January 19, 2013

Come to The Garden Party

The Boss has left The Office!

Last week we talked about how the planets could be seen as living entities playing different roles in our life situations. As we identify with them, do what they do, we take on their power and abilities. The Sun, the celestial Commander and Chief, was in the sign Capricorn last month so to shine like the sun in our own lives we had to take on the role of being in charge and keeping our troops in line. Today the Sun enters Aquarius, the world of freedom, equality and personal responsibility. To inherit the Sun's blessing this month we need to quit micro-managing others, leave The Office, and get out for some fresh air. In my mind I'm hearing Ricky Nelson singing Garden Party, "You can't please everyone so you might as well please yourself."

Curious isn't it that every four years in this country we swear in our new President when the Sun is in Aquarius? The man takes charge just when the planets are in the sign that says no one can be in charge of anyone! For some Presidents this wasn't a problem. President Roosevelt who was elected to the office four times was himself an Aquarian so I guess he instinctively knew how to harness the energies of this independent Sun. But what does the Sun in Aquarius mean for a Leo like Obama? Certainly an Aquarian swearing in ceremony seems appropriate in a country founded on the idea that all men are created equal and that we do not bow before any king, but I wonder if something about this date makes it hard for a Leo President to be the leader?  Whatever, the main thing is that this month in our personal lives we'll probably save ourselves a lot of heartache if we can simply recognize that people are going to do what they are going to do and not worry about the things we cannot change.

Mercury, The Messenger, has also entered Aquarius this week where he'll be much less up-tight than he was in Capricorn. Just as you have to know the rules before you can break them, Mercury in Capricorn gave us the facts but now in Aquarius he'll help us use those facts to facilitate new ideas and creative solutions. Particularly on Monday and Tuesday when Mercury will be meeting with Original Uranus and cavorting with Generous Jupiter,  information will be available to untangle misunderstandings.

On the down side, Venus had a harsh run in with Pluto a few days back. Even as Mercury tries to explain, hurt feelings could linger. Vow to see things objectively to avoid getting stuck in old dramas.

The Aquarian Sun will be joining the discussion on Thursday and Friday when he too connects with Uranus and Jupiter, perhaps giving the go ahead to long awaited opportunities.

I say "perhaps" because the final aspects the Moon makes after reaching its full on Saturday are a square to Saturn, an opposition to Mercury and an opposition to Mars. Even while this full Moon brings all the facts and all the issues out in the open to be resolved (re-solved!), there will still be those who want to argue and fight. Do the Aquarian thing and refuse to get sucked in.

This week is going to truly be the week to practice everything we know about creating: avoid focusing on the negative and put attention only on the positive.

I'm putting my attention on you!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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