Sunday, February 24, 2013

Do The Limbo Rock!

The full moon is coming up at 3:36 pm eastern time tomorrow at 7 Virgo. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is A Girl Takes Her First Dance Instruction. Lots of possibilities suggested by this image: teachers, students, learning new skills and practice makes perfect etc. Yet a little voice in the back of my head is singing, "Do the Limbo!" What could that mean? Then, oh, I get it. How many of you have been feeling stuck in Limbo Land lately? I sure have. I'll get back to the significance of our Full Moon symbol in a minute but first I just want to comment that if you've been bogged down and feeling stuck in the mud there's a good reason for that. Saturn, the planet of Reality has just turned retrograde in Scorpio. Saturn going into Scorpio suggested we were going to get to the bottom of various schemes and cover ups at this time, but after all sorts of uncomfortable revelations we have pretty much been left in a swamp feeling uncertain how to proceed to make things right. Like we KNOW gun control laws need to be revised, we KNOW the people responsible for the mortgage melt down have gotten off scott free, we definitely suspect the Pope's resignation has something to do with covering up the sex scandal in the Catholic church etc. etc. but even as we know all this, we don't know what to do about it. So far stirring things up seems to have only created more mud. In our personal lives many of us are feeling we KNOW we want to do something more authentic in 2013, eat right, have a job that use our abilities, find a soulmate - but how to get out of the current quagmire, the relationships, the responsibilities the commitments that no longer have meaning? How do we reawaken an inner awareness of the path? How do we find a dance instructor that really knows how to teach? Lately, I venture to say, many have felt there just aren't any around and so we keep on doing the Limbo...

Here are my suggestions for getting unstuck this week:

The Sun is squaring Jupiter on Monday, a wonderful support for expanding our understanding and getting out of tight places. Resonate with this aspect by literally getting out of the house and taking off in a new direction.

Mercury conjuncts Mars early Tuesday morning inspiring lots of talk and communication these first days of the week. One of the reasons people become stuck is they are uneasy about trying alternatives. Mercury conjunct Mars can facilitate finding out just what your options are. Clarify your commitments, you may not be as tied down as you thought. 

The Moon opposes Uranus and ends with a square to Pluto on Wednesday February 27. Maybe just agree to disagree today.

Late Thursday night the Sun in Pisces makes a lovely sextile to Pluto and then a beautiful trine to Saturn Friday noon. A lot of issues finally start to work themselves out and you'll be sooo glad you didn't throw a hissy fit yesterday. As the Sun is in Pisces you may find some helpful revelations even coming to you in your dreams. 

Saturday the Moon will be trining Mars - now here's the day to focus and get moving!

Finally, Saturn represents older wiser guides. This week might be a good time to hire one to help you - especially if there are things you've wanted to know but always thought you should be able to learn by yourself. Saturn retrograde says it's time to get a teacher who can fill in those blanks. Welcome in a spiritual guide or maybe you need some simple practical help. We could all benefit now from someone who can show us how to live in this world - how to use all those extra attachments on our cell phones, how do our taxes and yes, maybe even someone to teach us to dance!

Rock on!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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