Thursday, October 10, 2013

Venus in Sagittarius - Dancing with The Stars!

Venus gets tired of being the Scorpio drama queen this week and transforms into a carefree vagabond as she dances into Sagittarius. For the next four weeks she'll be urging you to travel, fall in love with foreigners and to spend your paycheck on whatever you like because Sag's philosophy knows "it's only money" after all. Be sure to enjoy this playtime because when it's over she'll be stuck in hyper-reponsible Capricorn until the end of the year.

Helpful tip: As Venus is fond of material possessions - particularly items of beauty - and Sagittarius rules travel you may find some great garage sale bargains if you're willing to leave your comfort zone and drive to a different neighborhood.

Meanwhile, mental Mercury is joining up with serious Saturn and these two will continue in close partnership for the next six weeks. Don't expect the government shut down to end anytime soon. When these two get together theirs no hugs and kisses as thoughts become dark and depressing. This needn't mean you and I need to succumb to their negativity, however. You may find you've got some serious chores that can't be ignored but put on some music and just get'er done.

Helpful tip: Mercury and Saturn are just trying to tell us the simple truth. If you find yourself starting to over react take a deep breath and count to ten - Mercury and Saturn rule math and mind games too after all.

On the lighter side, the Sun and Moon make a nice trine Monday, October 14. The Moon will be in Aquarius inspiring you to be inventive and to share your insights and of course the Sun in Libra gives you the ability to charm your way through anything. 

Bottom line, the next seven days focus responsibilities to be taken care of but if you dress with a bit of flair you needn't get bogged down in it all. If you have to deal with reality try to handle things in a straight forward efficient manner.

On another vein, I've been trying to get my mind around the metaphysical idea that not only can our present thoughts change the future - by changing our attitude we can also change the past. It's a hard concept to define in words but just for grins try sending love and forgiveness to yourself and the circumstances surrounding some past hurt or injustice. You may find your mind starts coming up with a whole new interpretation of what happened - like a positive spin occurs to you that changes everything. For example, perhaps you were teased or embarrassed as a small child. Talk to that child in your mind and tell her about all the good things that have happened to you since. Then give the exercise a rest. Check in tomorrow and see how you now remember the incident. You may find you now remember it differently and what's more, doesn't seem to matter at all! Amazing. Take it another step: if you're going through a tough time today, consider that some future you is sending you love and positive vibes. Tune in on that thought for a minute and I bet you'll find yourself actually feeling strengthened and loved.

I'm sending you good vibrations right now!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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