Sunday, December 15, 2013

Winter Solstice Celebrations!

Lots of planetary activity this week!

Bright ideas crackle now through Monday while the Moon sextiles Uranus. On top of that the Moon appears full at 25 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius on Tuesday PLUS stimulating Uranus turns direct on that same day. Whew, our minds may be so hyped up with all that mental energy providing ideas for the To Do list we'll find ourselves either Gemini multi-tasking or Sagittarian-like running away from home.

Fear not - a few hours later the Moon will enter Cancer and trine Neptune meaning we should all be able to find some snug hiding hole from the Christmas madness Tuesday afternoon. But not for long because...
Wednesday the Moon conjuncts with generous Jupiter thus opening the doors for a Shopping Spree! Wouldn't it be fun to know when people do the most Christmas shopping? I'd bet money this year it will be on this Jupiter powered Wednesday and Thursday.

The week's headliner is the Winter Solstice coming up on Saturday, December 21. This is the day the Sun enters the sign Capricorn and it marks the shortest day of the year. From this date on the days become longer but for right now we have darkness and cold. How fitting that the birth of Jesus is celebrated at this time. The Sun of God came at the darkest hour but his arrival offered mankind a way to return to The Light. Celebrate Solstice this year by joining with friends and make it a moment of light and good cheer returning in your own world!

Sometimes it's harder than others to comply with what the stars show us is the right path but the lovely thing about Christmas coming during the month of Capricorn means even the simplest expression of Love is honored and appreciated as long as it's sincere. Homemade gifts are always more treasured than store bought finds and home baked ones are the best. If you would like a copy of my secret Egg Nog recipe give me a call and I'll share it. I guarantee Santa will be extra good to you this year if you leave him a mug.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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