Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mercury Enters Aries - Talk about Fire!

Mercury has been slipping and sliding through ambiguous Pisces lately but Monday it bursts into Aries - meaning unspoken thoughts and worries we've kept to ourselves are going to be bursting through the sound barrier this week. Expect to hear some clear announcements telling us how things are in no uncertain terms.
If you yourself have been wanting to break some important news to all the world, Monday could be the day you come right out and say it.

The Sun has a face-off with Mars on Tuesday which could manifest as some hard negotiating between partners who sometimes act more like rivals. As Mars is retrograde someone will probably have the self control to pull back before any real harm is done but if these planets are energizing issues in your personal life you could save yourself a whole lot of trouble by simply toning down your presentation from the very beginning. Taken together the entrance of Mercury into Aries on Monday and the opposition between the Sun and Mars on Tuesday reads like demands will have a better chance of being fulfilled if they are presented as reasonable requests.

On the lighter side these fiery energies could be put to positive use if we use the time to have some honest discussions with the understanding that people can get a little wild at times but it's all in good fun. I was just listening to a Joan Rivers interview. Her enthusiastic greeting, "Can we talk?" along with her raunchy yet hilarious humor seems a perfect expression of this week's burning energy.

Snap decisions often happen when Mercury enters the Aries - do it now! - realm. People giving the orders may seem annoying or overbearing but - and this can be even more irritating - they are usually right so get don't waste time asking for politeness, just follow the leader and be thankful Mercury's stay here won't be long ( Mercury leaves Aries in two weeks, April 24 ).

More displays of fire power happening Wednesday, April 9, when the Aries Sun trines the Leo Moon. Impulsive energies fuel theatrical performances. Fortunately the Moon then squares strict Saturn meaning grandiose threats will be held in check by unamused responsible types. Considering the international scene and the drama being acted out in the Ukraine I am hopeful that all the saber rattling we hear about in the news will calm down as calmer heads prevail.

The possibility of happy endings are certainly enhanced by the lovely alignment of Venus and Neptune happening at the end of the week as Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces on Friday, April 11. Keep this reassuring promise in mind while you experience what is sure to be an exciting next five days.

I take comfort in the phrase, "It's all good in the end - if it's not yet good it's not yet the end."

Enjoy the ride,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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