Sunday, July 13, 2014

Electional Astrology Handbook

Have you ever heard the statement, "Millionaires don't use astrology - billionaires do"? I used to wonder how astrology could give such a huge advantage - I mean, sure it's fun to look at charts and see if a couple is all that compatible or to use astrology to try to predict a winning horse, but can astrology really tell us something we couldn't figure out on our own with a bit of common sense? Then I learned about electional astrology! Electional astrology is the art of choosing the most  appropriate time to begin something. You don't wait for the Universe to pick the right time to give birth, you choose it yourself - and the results can be spectacular!

Some of the areas where electional astrology can give you an advantage include everything from buying a car to taking wedding vows, to having surgery, taking a trip, even gambling. Supposedly The Declaration of Independence was signed in the middle of the night because many of our founding fathers were astrologers and understood the importance of timing. Ronald Reagan supposedly used an astrologer to advise him - and to this day has a reputation for being one of our greatest presidents - even though it's rumored he had Alzheimers...

What electional astrology can do for you:
The elected time is the exact moment chosen to begin something. It is calculated to give you an advantage in the matter. If you are applying for a job as a teacher and three other people are also being considered, arranging to have your interview at your most auspicious moment can tip the scales. However, if you have aren't qualified for the job, have no credential and hate kids, then even having the right time won't get you employed. But if you really are in the running, electional astrology can definitely put you at the head of the pack.

How an electional chart works:
In setting up an electional chart we are looking to enhance the moment when you are taking the first step to set the mater in motion.  In a marriage this would not be when the wedding starts but when the couple says "I do" because up until then the bride or groom could still call it off. In applying for a job you would want to set up the time not for when you fill out the application but for when you put the application in the mail box. It's often tricky to know exactly when the "start" is so a good rule of thumb is to define the moment of beginning as the time when the matter is no longer in your hands.

The first house of the chart represents you or the person initiating action, so our main focus is to be sure the planet ruling the first house sign is making only positive aspects. The Moon is always the co-ruler of the first in electional astrology so along with protecting the ruler of the first house we also look to be sure the Moon is well situated.

We next move on to see if the planet that rules the matter we are concerned with is in good alignment. Mercury should be direct for business meetings and signing contracts, Venus needs to be happy in matters of love, Mars should be on your side if you are entering a contest or battle and so forth.

The most crucial thing we look for in an electional chart is to see what is the last aspect the Moon makes before leaving the sign it is in. This tells us how the matter will end.

Here are some times coming up in the next week that should give positive results generally although I have not calculated an exact time because to do that we would also need to know your location. Still if you care to initiate something on these days around the times I have suggested, your results should be positive.

Monday afternoon July 14 the Moon is going to be trining Mars in Libra and then Venus in Gemini. It offers a particularly fruitful time for talks and opportunities for getting clear answers. (Could be a very productive time to call me!)

Wednesday night July 16 the strong Moon in Pisces aspect to Venus will be good for artistic matters and helping others. Begin an art project or initiate contact with someone you wish to help.

Finally Saturn turns direct Sunday July 20 as the Moon heads for a beautiful sextile to the Sun. This is a day when we can just plain get a lot done.

I hope you'll experiment with these possibilities and let me know your results!

See you at the Billionaires' Table!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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