Sunday, December 14, 2014

Mercury into Capricorn - Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn - Uranus Direct in Aries: Enlightenment For The Masses.

Everything is about to change - in fact it has already but this is the week we see it on a global scale.

Individually we have all been struggling this last year with questions about who can we trust? Whether it's about our government, our jobs or our relationships, we've all had to experience the massive Pluto square Uranus shake-up somewhere in our lives. Things have reached the tipping point now as Saturn comes to the end of Scorpio meaning long hidden realities coming to the surface and can no longer be ignored.

 Perhaps this is the meaning of Enlightenment. I used to think Enlightenment meant a ball of light would descend upon me like it does on characters in movies making me suddenly wise and all knowing. I used to pray for it and tried all sorts of odd rituals - fasting, chanting, etc. - hoping to finally achieve this ultimate blessing. Now however I believe Enlightenment is not a special insight given to the favored few, but a state of knowingness that comes to all of us in time. Each day we learn something new. Maybe just something simple, like where to buy shoes, but with each new fact we integrate, we are less in the dark about our world and therefore more enlightened. As we open ourselves up to more experience we can tolerate, understand, forgive more and thus become more and more able to see the truth. I say "able" because what's been holding the process up all these lifetimes is that while really we have always been able to see the truth - we  have also been afraid to. Who wants to  realize that Daddy or the Boss or the President doesn't know any better than we do when our very lives depend on them? It takes courage to become enlightened. Fairytales led us to believe enlightenment would mean we would see the good in everything but now this year with all the dramas of the Pluto / Uranus squares we're realizing Enlightenment means not seeing rosy vistas but seeing things exactly as they are. So, are we strong enough to take it? This week we'll find out.

I say things have already changed because the light reaching our planet now left the stars eons ago. What we are experiencing today was scripted back at the time of The Big Bang of creation before time began. We have been waking up to this slowly but in the next seven days we'll see the scales tipping from being a universe in which the majority of people are asleep to one where enough people are awake to turn this shared experience around from a ride down hill in a hand basket to a consciously created flight on a magic carpet.

You can join the Awakened Ones. Here's what you need to do to help yourself wake up:

Making conscious choices is the quickest, surest way to awakening. Don't be afraid of making a wrong choice, the Universe won't let you get too far off track without giving you an opportunity to chose again. But if you just say, "I'll have what she's having" you never learn, never grow, never awaken to the power you hold.

To help you get clear about choices, Mercury, the God of communication is leaving visionary Sagittarius and going into realistic Capricorn Tuesday evening December 16. This means that for the next month or so the Universe is going to take your instructions completely literally. So be careful. If you say, "I'm feeling blue" you may actually spill blue paint on yourself (Cancel! Cancel!)! Mercury in Capricorn also makes it easy - unavoidable in fact - for us to recognize how our thoughts/words result in manifestation and thus this helps us to recognize how our thoughts are creating this world we live in.

On Saturday December 20, Venus, the Goddess of feelings, confronts Pluto, the God of death and transformation. This is the cut off point. Feelings won't lie. Relationships that are founded on truth transform into something even better. Partnerships that were based on falsehoods and manipulation will crash and burn. Government officials and their spin doctors will have no place to hide.

The major new beginning starts when Uranus turns direct in Aries on Sunday December 21 which is also the day of the New Moon and the Winter Solstice. Our awareness of our own inner feelings and thus our own inner guidance becomes strong enough for us to follow with confidence. This could spell trouble for dictators as now only the leaders who can hear and follow their inner/higher guidance will be trusted. Those stuck in the lower vibrations of greed and fear and those who numbly follow orders from the outside will fall into insignificance.

The hard news is the December 21 New Moon and the Winter Solstice both happening at 0 Capricorn creates a sense of starting at the bottom, but the good news is all of us eventually find ourselves at the top.

Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be one heck of a sleigh ride,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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