Monday, January 5, 2015

Mercury and Venus Walk into an Aquarian Bar..

The big headlines this week will be all about the meet up between Mercury and Venus in Aquarius on Thursday, January 8. This Mercury/Venus connect in the most welcoming sign should allow for open communication and might even encourage some new and unusual alliances. On the world stage we may see unexpected friendships forming as previously antagonistic players recognize how much they have in common. In our personal spheres it could signal an opportunity to connect in new ways with old friends or maybe even experience love at first sight. Here's how to make sure you'll get the most from this special moment:

1. Clear clutter and bring things up to date. Saturn recently entered Sagittarius meaning we must first establish stability (Saturn rules solid ground) before venturing further (Sagittarius rules expansion). So do some space clearing cause you sure don't want to waste the new opportunities on old chores!

2. On Monday Mercury, the god of communication, will be in friendly sextile to Saturn the head of contracts so this is the day to discuss plans and set goals - maybe make a date with a friend to be together on Thursday. 

If you want to consider the bigger picture of Mercury sextile Saturn you could also use this day to visualize your intentions for the year ahead. If you do, bare in mind that Saturn is only just peeking into Sag this spring and will then retrograde back into Scorpio for the summer before turning full speed ahead again in September. Thus the important thing now is to establish a routine of clarifying positions and intentions, but the goals themselves may change. We may come to realize as we communicate more effectively that there are some forgivenesses that need to be completed before we can experience the deep transformations in our lives that we're looking for. Saturn going back into Scorpio could bring this search to completion. A real life example could be a person surviving a divorce and knowing he doesn't want to hold grudges, that he wants to leave the past on good terms. So Saturn retrograding back into Scorpio could signal the return of old problems but also an opportunity to resolve them in a way that leads to true healing. But for today the energies are simply saying, "Start talking, start making a plan even though there will be adjustments along the way."

3. Wake up early and make a grand entrance on Wednesday, January 7. The Moon, that lovely lady who oversees the Department of Feelings, will be in Leo trining Uranus and accentuating all our desires to be fun and dramatic. You may get some inklings today of what surprises you want to share tomorrow. In fact, Wednesday night the Moon will meet up with Jupiter so as you consider your plans even bigger and better possibilities come into view.

4.Thursday at last! Mercury and Venus make quite an innovative team so make a point of putting yourself in an environment that encourages making new connections.

5. Final warning - The Moon will be in Virgo Thursday night making her much more conscious of rules and details PLUS she's going to be squaring Saturn which could make for binding commitments. Be very careful what you agree to now as you could have to live with your promises for a long, long time. (ie. put off getting that tattoo!)

6. Final final warning - As Uranus is involved with the Moon earlier in the week (Tuesday night and Wednesday morning) all these things could manifest sooner than expected. So once again the stars are telling us to get ready early. The sooner the house is picked up the quicker the guests will arrive!

Bonus: When Venus and Mercury hook up there are bound to be some good jokes to tell.

Rosada, EXT 2340

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