Sunday, February 8, 2015

Mercury Direct in Aquarius = Becoming Psychic

Children are famous for saying the darndest things. Because both my sister and I had a knack for picking up on feelings and "seeing" things before they happened we became famous for making inappropriate comments at the most inopportune times. "You're not supposed to know that!" was a frequent rebuke around our dinner table. I remember once when a neighbor lady was talking to my dad, my sister started making loud kissing noises on the back of her hand indicating that she saw this woman had a crush on our father - a math professor who was totally oblivious to such social nuances. The poor woman turned bright red, glared at us both and fled. A similar incident occurred when a fellow announced to our group that he had come into a substantial sum of money. "But won't you have to put it back?" I asked, not realizing I wasn't supposed to know the money had been stolen. He too quickly found a reason to leave... Our instincts stayed with us however. My sister combined her knack for seeing patterns with an interest the human brain and went on to work at Harvard. I focused on becoming an astrologer.

Today there seems to be a much greater awareness that children don't always learn things in the traditional ways. Look how quickly they pick up foreign languages. And computers! They catch on faster than adults. My ten year old neighbor taught me how to do Facebook! How do they know all that stuff?

 I believe as Uranus, the planet ruling astrology, computers and flashes of insight, moves through Aries over the next five years we are going to be seeing major breakthroughs in our understanding of how children learn. Uranus also rules group association so it's very likely that we'll be recognizing the importance of surrounding kids with supportive team mates. The caricature of the lonely old scientist coming up with brilliant insights on his own is just that, a caricature. If we really want to develop our abilities the first thing we can do for ourselves is to have a strong support group. It's important to eliminate distractions, yes, but then budding creativity needs mentors and guides who celebrate our enthusiasms and who are not so quick as to be embarrassed when their "children" know things they are not "supposed to know."

If you are wanting to fast foreword your psychic abilities and spiritual insights here's what I recommend you do:

!. Find others who share your interest. If there are no astrology classes or metaphysical study groups available in your area don't be afraid to start one! You may be very pleasantly surprised at the sort of people you draw to you. If that's too big a step then at least surround yourself with pictures of teachers you admire. Your unconscious will get the message.

2. Get psychic readings yourself. Get readings from the best professional psychics you can find but also support those who are just starting out. It's not an indulgence, it's an investment. You need to experience what a psychic reading can do. It maybe that the reader will be able to give you specific facts but it may happen that even if the reading itself isn't too revealing you will find that the information you are seeking comes to you anyway in some other form shortly there after - like a dream or a message you hear on the radio. The important thing for you is to have the experience.

3. Practice giving readings. You may not feel your ready but you gotta try. Nobody learned to swim reading books about water! Many of us were scared when we first started saying what we saw in the cards but the angels are merciful and will send the clients that are perfectly attuned to what you have to give. If being a reader is your true calling you'll find it's fun to do and you just may surprise yourself at how good you can be if you give yourself a chance!

Mercury turns direct in Aquarius Wednesday February 10 - a perfect omen for bringing strange new knowledge out into the open.

It's time to know all those things we're not supposed to know!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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