Saturday, June 13, 2015

New Moon in Gemini - Live, Love, Laugh

Though they are not twins, my grandsons are both Geminis. I'm convinced they are the reincarnation of some old-time vaudeville team back by popular demand...

 The six year old Jax has the face of an angel and the mind of a sage. When his beloved grandfather, my husband, died some years back he was only three but shared an amazing insight with us. The family was outdoors sitting under the beautiful California sky when Jax asked his father, "Is the sky heaven?"

"Yes," my son replied.

"Do people go to heaven when they die?" 

"Some people think so," he answered.

"I think they all become a part of me," said Jax, astounding us with his old soul vision. Then he made us all smile with the further comment, "I think I might explode!" 

Ah, that Gemini combination of wisdom and youth.

But if Jax makes us smile, his little brother Cooper, age 2, has us laughing out loud: 

"Knock-knock!" he begins.

"Who's there?" we dutifully respond.

"Banana!" he grins.

"Banana who?" we ask.

"Chicken crossed the road!"

And then peals of laughter.. 

Oh my, Geminis are the best!

This week I'm thinking we're going to be given a master class in Gemini energy.  Mars, the Sun and the Moon will all be at 26 degrees Gemini on the new Moon Tuesday morning June 16. From 8:00 a.m - 11 a.m. we're going to get the full Twins Experience.

Here is a list of Gemini keywords. See how many of them apply to your life on Tuesday:

Opportunities and new adventures.
Short attention span - hating to be bored.
Communication, maybe using your hands to get your point across.
Knowing a little about a lot.
Plans may change and then change back again - several times!
You see twins or things seem to happen in pairs.
You see two sides to every story.
You have projects requiring hand-eye co-ordination.
You do some writing or jot down a lot of notes.
And of course you find yourself simply being curiouser and curiouser!

It should be a really fun day and a great kick off for a lively fun month.

Call me soon - Gemini is the time for a talk!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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