Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturn Leaving Scorpio - Last Chance for a Power Grab

I have a Capricorn friend who tends to be a tad negative. Even when she's trying to be upbeat she can't help but say something that brings the conversation down with a thud. Her most common response, whenever someone speaks of a plan that needs a bit of encouragement, is to give a wide smile and say, "That's a great idea! What could possibly go wrong?"  Naturally this steers the conversation to why the plan will fail and soon the whole idea, whether it was to end war or order a pizza, is tossed aside as undoable. This drives me over the top crazy. I can't seem to make her understand that by simply asking this question she is creating the obstacles. Like so many who have not paused to consider how the Universe works, she tends to think of the physical world around us as something outside of us, something beyond our control. But if you look at the world around you as a response to your most dominant thought, and most particularly as a response to any request or question you have been dwelling on, you quickly come to recognize that there is a link so profound, that your thoughts are so powerful, that you may come to be scared to think of anything at all..

Consider, have you ever been furious about something and then a short time later dropped a plate or had something break? Maybe you weren't even the one who broke it, yet you instinctively recognized there was a connection between your inner tension and the outer crash. I compare it to seeing lightening in your brain and then several seconds later hearing the thunder in the world. Or think of a time you were looking for something. You asked yourself over and over, "Where is it?" and then, for no real reason you wandered into another room and just happen to glance about - and there was your missing item! The Universe responds to our dominant thoughts and manifests them.

It is essential for our spiritual growth and indeed for our physical survival that we get this - that we make the connection that the world around us is our own thoughst and feelings become manifest. Einstein talked about this 50 years ago when he said all is energy vibration. Yet we have been so slow to believe - to BE LIVING - this truth, we have ignored and denied our power for so long that we are now on the brink of world wide global disaster. None of our outer attempts to save the planet are powerful enough. No laws, no armies, no miracle scientific breakthroughs will be able to make a difference. The only thing that will work is the awareness that the outer world is a reflection of our inner state.

There is a story that Ghandi was approached by a woman and asked would he please tell her son to stop eating too much candy. Ghandi said that he would - if she would bring the child back in a week. The woman agreed and when she returned a week later Ghandi admonished the boy to stop eating the sweets. The mother, surprised that there was not more to the conversation asked Ghandi why he had not simply told the boy this the week before. "Ah," Ghandi explained, "A week ago I myself had not stopped eating too much candy." Ghandi understood the world is a reflection of our own inner being. He knew the youngster would be a reflection of him and that until he gave up candy himself, his vibration could not strengthen a child to give up candy.

Saturn is the planet of personal responsibility. It is at the very last degrees of the sign of power, Scorpio, now until mid-September. It's placement here makes us aware that it is time for us to recognize the power of our thoughts and words. If we use this time to be particularly reliable - responsible - we will be rewarded with clear, strong, undeniable evidence that our intentions create our personal Universe. 

Do everything you can in the next 30 days to strengthen the power of your word by being completely reliable. Then as Saturn moves into Sagittarius, the sign of philosophy and travel, you will find your inner conviction has become stronger than the outer world - you'll be able to part the sea!

You've got the power!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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