Monday, January 11, 2016

Venus Trine Uranus: Hello Star Shine!

There are so many exciting line ups happening with the planets this week we might as well get right to it:

Tuesday afternoon January 12: Namaste! The divinity in me recognizes the divinity in you.
As the Moon goes into Pisces dissolving all boundaries look at the people around you and see a reflection of yourself. Loving Venus then trines Uranus offering a further opportunity to recognize unusual partnership potential.

Wednesday January 13; Whistle while you work.
Sun in Capricorn shines at being the boss and Jupiter in Virgo reveals there is lots of useful work to be done.
Assign yourself a task and be amazed at how successfully it gets completed. (Moon still in Pisces warns to resist drinking on the job.)

Thursday January 14: Good news and bad news.
Sun in the same space as retrograde Mercury (conjunct) - may bring up some past puzzels to finally be re-solved..
Mercury then trines Jupiter which hopefully leads to spreading the good news but could just mean energy is dissipated by a lot of unproductive chatter.
As the Moon will still be in Pisces this time could be usefully applied to artistic activity and helping others.

Friday January 15: A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
Through out the day the Moon in Aries partner's with Saturn in Sagittarius making folks feel open to commitments. But there could quickly be some signs of buyer's remorse when the Moon then moves on to square Pluto and team up with Uranus.

Saturday January 16: Ask and ye shall receive.
The Moon in Aries knows what we want but the square to the Sun in Capricorn can cause a person to feel a bit timid about asking. Get clear and speak up. A closed mouth never gets fed!

Sunday January 17: Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.
Venus, the planet of earthly delight squares Jupiter, the ruler of increase and abundance tonight. Invite some friends to the local all-you-can-eat buffet.
No one will turn you down.

All in all it's a good week for clearing up clutter and being good to the neighbors. Big projects and major moves are better suited for the end of the month.

Blessings to us all,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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