Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter ALL in Virgo - Can This Be Healthy?

  Virgo is the sign most concerned with health and hygiene and fixing and fussing. With half the planets we look at in this part of the chart this month we're all sure to experience some sort of call to pay attention to what needs a tune up in our lives. After a summer of lazy Leo, Virgo awakens an instinctive urge to get up, shake off the sand and turn one's focus onto cleaning up our act. Let the planets help you...

 Where the Sun is tells us where we should put our primary focus, where we will get our biggest return for our efforts. On Monday August 22 The Sun will go into Virgo, the sign ruling foot soldiers and worker bees, the unsung heroes who get the job done. It's as if while in Leo the Sun put the spotlight on big names, big personalities, theatrics and circuses like political campaigns and the Olympics. Now that Sol is moving into Virgo we no longer feel to sit back and watch someone else perform - Sun in Virgo energizes our need to do things ourselves - and we want it to be something worthwhile. Vacation is over and we feel a call to stop lounging around and get back to work.

Mercury entered Virgo the beginning of the month helping to make what at any other time might have felt like tedious chores seem more enjoyable. Straightening out the files, cleaning out the sock drawer, planning and organizing all flow a bit easier when the planet ruling the mind is in the sign celebrating attention to detail.

Venus in Virgo through till August 30 adds another layer of pleasure to the work scene. Think "Office Romance" or if that isn't your thing just be aware that the planet of love in the sign of service means you should be able to easily find joy in your job and be paid well for it too. Also, as Virgo is the sign ruling health, Venus here can support you in launching an improved diet and daily routine. If you ever were thinking of spending money on a gym or a weight loss program this is the month to do it. With Venus in Virgo you'll get real value from investing in your health.

And finally Jupiter, the planet known as "The Greater Benefic" who is famous for bestowing abundance and growth, will also be in Virgo this month. However, Jupiter isn't considered to be "happy" in Virgo. The sign's obsession with perfection and detail doesn't easily express Jupiter's enthusiasm and tolerance. People may find themselves covered with a Jupitarian abundance of Virgo details needing to be taken care of. For example, on the national scene it's very fitting that Hilary's abundance of emails are in the headlines. In our personal lives we may need to be careful we don't get bogged down running errands (Jupiter rules travel but in Virgo this could mean travel for work). However, as Jupiter is considered to be one of the good guys of the zodiac we'll no doubt experience more blessings than boredom when he's around.

A couple of difficult aspects coming up this week, but if you know what to expect you should be able to handle them, no problemo:

Mars conjunct Saturn. Mars is in Sagittarius now and moving quickly to become the unstoppable force crashing into the immovable object, Saturn, also in Sag, this Wednesday. This pairing of the urge to speed and the need to go slow could cause situations where we're feeling held back or find things moving at an infuriatingly long drawn out pace. Or perhaps it is we who are procrastinating. Whatever, the meet up happens Wednesday. If you are prepared and don't rush the energies may come together and manifest in a very positive way but if you try to push the river this line up could cause stress.

Difficulties could become even more complicated as the week wears on and Neptune - the planet of lies and deception - makes a square to the Mars/Saturn smash up. Could mean dramas where we never learn the true causes. Vow that you at least are gonna be one of the good guys who stands up for honesty and patience.

The good news is everything works out well in the end. Mercury joins up with Venus late next Sunday night to put a happy spin on the week's events. Until then, keep calm and call me on!


Rosada, EXT 2340

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