Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bob Dylan - Gemini Sun Sextile Pluto

One of the most effective ways to learn astrology is to study the charts of well known personalities. They usually have some singularly dominant  aspect in their chart which their lives seem to have perfectly - brilliantly! - manifested. In Bob Dylan's life we have a living example of the extraordinary transformative power of Sun sextile Pluto.

Bob Dylan was born under the sign Gemini, known for being the preferred vibration of poets, messengers and short story writers. Dylan is famous for writing songs with a message. Furthermore, he has Pluto, the planet of death, re-birth and transformation - POWER! - in his solar third house, the house ruling communication and it EXACTLY sextiles his Sun, the ruler of creativity. Thus we know that here is a life that is going to epitomize the meaning of Sun sextiling third house Pluto, which is, creativity being channeled through communication in a most powerful way. Anything less would be extremely unhealthy for the individual. That is, if one one with this line up of planets is denied an outlet  for their energies - if such energies had to be suppressed and internalized - the result could be a life filled with constant unwanted upheaval and perhaps even an early death due to heart disease (the Sun rules the heart).

Fortunately for Dylan, and for the fans who love him!, he was able to follow his muse and create a life that allowed for all the transformations. In fact, isn't it interesting that one of the songs we most identify with him is his "The Times They Are a Changing"? Still we know that Dylan's life has not been an easy one. He began his career feeling completely disconnected from the status quo and this too fits with the meaning of the Sun/Pluto aspect. The isolating nature of Pluto would have almost certainly made him feel he was "a complete unknown with no direction home". The only avenue open for him was to continue on, to persevere, to write the songs, deliver the messages he had to give without any guarantee his truth would ever be recognized. And indeed, now that it has - a Nobel Prize, congratulations, Bob! - it appears he still prefers to maintain his Plutonian solitude. But "that's okay, Ma, It's life and life only!"

Now a few pointers about the aspects coming up this week we should all be aware of:

There is a full Moon today that includes a crazy opposition to Uranus in Aries. We have already seen the effects of this line up in last week's revelations about Trump as a sexual predator. Will there be even more hysterics in the days ahead? Most likely! Wednesday the Moon trines Mercury who in turn opposes Uranus so another opportunity for things we never imagined to be happening to be - well - happening..Keep your schedule flexible and as Dylan says -

May you stay forever young,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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