Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 A New Consciousness Rising

  Many thoughts and impressions streaming through the ethers this New Year's week. Seeing lists of the events of the past year posted all over the internet by reporters and columnists made me reflect on the key events in my own world. Had life really been as disastrous as so many of these pundits proclaimed? After considering the idea several incidents came to mind that I had to admit, really did qualify 2016 as ..... well, let's just say in 2016 was a person, they were born with an extreme personality disorder! Look up Paranoid Schizophrenic on Google and you should fine a pretty accurate description of what Mother Earth was feeling n 2016.

Reading this led me to wonder if every year could be considered to have a personality, and if so what does the astrological chart tell us about 2017 as a new consciousness?

January 1, 2017 was "born" with the Sun in Capricorn, the sign representing world government, certainly a fitting sign for a global birth chart. Furthermore Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth and transformation hovers close by, continuing feelings of dramatic evolution going on here. This alignment has been influential for several years and represents Earth's experiencing global warming and the extinction of so many species. Mercury, the planet indicating one's mental focus, is also in Capricorn now, so this "baby" is born with a stronger awareness of these deaths and thus on an individual level we too are all becoming more aware of the cycles of life. We'll see this manifesting in every area - awareness of the need to recycle for sure, concerns about the potential for war and also perhaps even some breakthroughs in contacting souls who have passed on? Stay tuned.

This year is also born with EXPANSIVE Jupiter opposing the CHANGE planet Uranus which amplifies a sense that change is coming at us like repeating electric jolts. Computer technology, ruled by Uranus, is developing faster than our social network, Jupiter, has been able to absorb. It's as if the world, like an over-protected child, is having to rapidly catch up with reality. If I saw this in a client's chart I'd urge them to learn all they could about computer technology and to be wary of long term investments.

2017 is born with Venus in Aquarius, the sign of universal love and friendship. Any project that strengthens understanding between cultures is sure to be rewarded. On the shadow side, obstacles to brotherhood can become stronger if associations are forced.

Mars is next to Neptune so this year seems uncertain of goals and prone to trusting too much in vague promises and dreams. The higher consciousness types will need to be coming from their most expanded perspectives to find a safe path through the surrounding fog. This is the year to listen to the finest music, eat the purest food and practice your highest ideals.

2017's ruling planet, Saturn is in Sagittarius, the sign of opportunities so this year's Saturn is seeking solid foundations to build long lasting empires. Sagittarius requires him to research plans carefully and beware long term commitments.

If you are wondering what is the best way for you to "make friends" with this year, I feel that Mars/Neptune aspect warns us we've got be very honest with ourselves as we could be easy to be fooled - perhaps into thinking things are better or worse than they really are. Don't ignore unpleasant facts but also don't be discouraged by negative thinkers. Don't let the media tell you what to believe!

 The Jupiter/Uranus link says everything can change instantly so practice changing your perspective till you see things in the best possible light.

The Mercury, Sun, Pluto in Capricorn alignment promises that overtime our thoughts really do become things and thus create our reality.

Finally Venus in Aquarius wants a win-win for everyone.

Welcome 2017!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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