Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sun into Aries - Seize The Day!

Monday, March 20 : The first day of spring is finally here. With four of the planets we look at plus the Sun all in Aries this week, it's time for new adventures and taking risks. If you've been feeling bogged down by the constant yammer of the talk shows demanding that we all be outraged and hysterical, you may find yourself feeling it's all gotten to be a total bore and you're no longer hypnotized into watching all the negative forecasters telling us what to think. Sun in Aries empowers your own ideas, your own perspective, and rather than waiting for the government to get their act together, you may find yourself enthused to do your own thing and also inspired to come up with solutions for problems in your community. Think outside the box! Go for the gusto!

On the flip side, this year's Sun in Aries may signal some hard times for relationships. Venus is also in Aries inclining us to love our own point of view to the point of rejecting any others. Remember the story of the three blind men and the elephant. They all touched the beast but each came away with a different opinion. "An elephant is flat and wide like a wall," said the one who came up to the animal's side. "No way, an elephant is like a limp broom," argued the one who touched the tail. "You've got it all wrong," said the third as he stroked the tusk, "An elephant is hard like a sword!" Likewise, with Venus in Aries we are prone to only be seeing things from our own perspectives unless we remind ourselves to consider the opinions of others.

Further significant aspects to be aware of this week:

The Moon will be crossing Pluto late Tuesday night, March 21. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth so every month when the Moon makes this Pluto connection we tend to become aware of the passing of some significant milestone. A chapter ends, a new one begins. You may do something major like deciding to quit your job or moving your residence or it may be fairly minor like finally getting around to cleaning out the refridge. The big change may not actually happen on this day, but this is when you become aware that a shift has happened.Take advantage of the cycle by intentionally releasing old stuff now and recognize where new opportunities are forming.

A bit of caution is advised as we get into the middle of the week. Mercury in Aries will be squaring Pluto on Thursday March 23 and this could signify someone shooting their mouth off and creating new problems. Use the aspect to your advantage by focusing your mind (Mercury) on something that deserves serious (Pluto) attention.

Friday night March 24 the Sun will join Venus and although these planets will still be in "Me first!" Aries, still together they could create some sort of happy dance. With Venus retrograde folks may have a hard time expressing their good will or feeling the good vibrations, but keep the faith, this placement brings up the past and with the Moon in Pisces some old friends could stop by.

All together we're coming up to a time of challenge where old solutions don't solve new problems but bold inspiration saves the day!

Have a good one,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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