Sunday, April 23, 2017

New Moon in Taurus Brings An Hour of Power!

Over the next two days, Sunday April 23 and Monday April 24, the Moon in Aries will be aspecting  Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus, Mercury and Saturn. With the Moon making all these  connections, this is the time when we should go out socializing ourselves. Take every opportunity to create and strengthen friendships  - your success for the month ahead depends on it!

 Aries is the sign that marks the beginning of a new cycle and having the Moon here means now is the time we are to be getting the ball rolling emotionally, that is, start new contacts, form new friendships, and create new alliances. My partner and I have recently moved and are intending to use this line up of planets to introduce ourselves to our new neighbors. As the Moon's final aspect to Saturn particularly rewards forming and building lasting organizations we're hoping to create some enthusiasm for launching a Little Free Library at our new address. You too will benefit if you organize with others to do something this week.

Caution - while some of the people you meet this week may present you with opportunities (or you will see opportunities yourself), beware a tendency to go overboard. With the Moon opposing Jupiter and the squaring Pluto, enthusiasm can quickly take over and perhaps make a person promise too much too soon. We're seeing this energy playing out on the national level with Donald Trump now declaring that judging a president's accomplishments based on his performance during the first 100 days in office is a poor way to calculate success. Furthermore he has also started to back peddle on his promises of  instant tax reform.  Note the Moon's final aspect before leaving Aries is a calm  steady trine to  Saturn meaning exaggeration wasn't necessary, to make progress we only need to take things one step at a time. Of course, you can always give me a call and we can do a reading for the best way way for you to proceed to create your best outcome.

Tuesday, April 25: the Moon is void of course (that is, it doesn't contact any other planets) through out the evening so you'll probably only feel like socializing with just your immediate circle. This isn't a bad thing but it would be better if you were to use the time to reach out to a wider gene pool.

Wednesday April 26: New Moon in Taurus at 7:46 a.m. edt! The half hour before a New Moon and the half hour just after are extremely powerful for launching new projects. If you are on the East Coast this means get active between 7:16 a.m. - 8:16 a.m. Put your heart, soul and clear intentions into whatever  you are doing. You will be rewarded on the Full Moon.

Also, the Moon sextiles Neptune through out the day so we need to be a bit cautious about who we trust. There are always people within a group who may not have our best interests at heart. Be a bit detached and of course act in such a way that YOU inspire trust.

Thursday April 27: The Moon sextiles Chiron, the wounded healer today. If that Jupiter/Pluto energy got you over-doing things a bit earlier in the week you may notice the strained muscles or strained relationships today. Rely on your good sense and call a halt to any aggressive activities or attitudes. You must be low key and accommodating if you are to achieve your goals today.

Friday, April 28: Venus retrograde re-enters Aries and Mercury in Aries joins with Uranus = Great for re-starting old friendships that haven't been getting much attention lately. If you wish to join with another but feel you've been blocked, today would be the perfect day to reach out. There may be some issues that still have to be worked on but if you remain courageous and persevere you will eventually overcome all obstacles and achieve the alliance you seek!

Saturday, April 29: The Moon opposes The Giant Squelch of The Universe, Saturn, today. You may find you wish to get out and mingle but there are obstacles - chores perhaps or some unfinished business - that block the way. However, as Saturn rules fated ties, if you've been paying attention to the planets this week no doubt you have accomplished part of your goal of making new friends and can spend at least some bit of time the way you please and with someone you like.

In summary, the strong Aries influence at the beginning of the week supports us in getting new connections launched. Towards the middle of the week the energies tend to slow down and we need to monitor ourselves to be sure we aren't trying to force things to happen. Continue to act in ways that will attract the highest caliber of friendships and let nature take its course.

For a personal reading, call me at 410-750-0077

Rosada, EXT 2340

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