Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sun Trine Pluto on Tuesday: Are You Feeling Lucky?

This is the week it could all change, are you ready for a brand new adventure? Tuesday May 9th, the Sun will be trining Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth and transformation. This line up happens only twice a year and signifies the release of old outgrown ways of being and the introduction of brand new opportunities. The more you are aware this shift is happening the more easily you should be able to complete past obligations and take advantage of new start ups.

First you are probably coming to recognize significant "story lines" in your life are winding down and coming to a close. Eager as we may be to get on with the new, it is important at this time to not just abandon old jobs and friendships but to carefully bring them to completion. This is particularly true on Monday, May 8, when the moon will oppose Mercury and Uranus and sextile Saturn. The combo could bring upsetting - Uranus - news - Mercury - which Saturn says must be handled responsibly. In other words, while you may feel tempted to just quit your work your marriage or your diet, it would be wiser to avoid abrupt change, think it through, give some advanced warning and if you must end things do it on a good note.

Tuesday is the Pluto trine the Sun. We'll be feeling particularly confident - ready to take on the world! As Pluto rules power struggles you may also experience some sort of run in with people in positions of power. Don't try to prove yourself  to them or get into a competition, just continue striving to do your best. Show you can handle yourself with poise! Later in the day a Mercury conjunct Uranus line up could bring some important insights and maybe even exciting offers.

The full Moon in Scorpio happens on Wednesday. You can look back on your progress now and recognize how you've overcome some significant difficulties. (Just don't get too impressed with yourself - there's always more to learn!)

Be careful on Thursday May 11 when energy loses focus as Mars squares Neptune. Never ignore  apparently insignificant details. When people get too confident they tend to trip up.

Wonderful aspects Friday. The Moon trines Venus and encourages sincere generosity from the heart, not the head or pocket book. Express real feelings!

Saturday May 13 is a mixed bag. The Moon will first trine Uranus which could be a boost for freedom and independence, but shortly there after it will bump up against Saturn meaning any chores  or lessons left incomplete could prevent graduating to the next level. It may be Saturday but don't use that as an excuse to slack off and admire your past - stay focused on the present and keep aiming for the future.

All in all a great line up of planets for making changes but with a bit of a warning that once the changes are made it's still important to manage the details.

Thanks for reading,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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