Monday, January 29, 2018

Ursula Le Guin and The Wizard of Earthsea

Ursula Le Guin has passed away at 88. The award winning author of the classic, The Wizard of Earthsea, was the aunt of one of my dearest friends. Her gentile genius broke new ground in science fiction writing and she will be sorely missed by all who knew her through her words and in person. God speed to you Ursula.

The big event this week is a very rare Aquarius Full Moon on Wednesday, January 31. Usually the Full Moon marks a time of bringing things to a natural sense of completion, but this week that may be darn near impossible because our emotional reactions could blow everything out of proportion. Indeed, this Moon in Leo opposing the Sun in Aquarius signals a time for taking a much needed break from work. You're not going to feel like following anyone else's orders so give the job routine a rest. Aquarius rules friends and peers so take some time to relax with your pals and be yourself. Live in the moment and enjoy this time out. When the Sun is in Aquarius it's important to focus on your social life as it can refresh you and lead to new contacts. Too much emphasis on work and ambition leads to competition and that not only makes relaxation impossible it also alienates everyone. Of course, Aquarians don't easily fit in with groups anyway, so if you find yourself feeling the sense of being an outsider who doesn't belong - which is so much a part of the Aquarian experience - remain composed and wait it out. You may have to put on a happy face and go along to get along but this wont last long. Meanwhile, get a drink and a bite to eat and enjoy your friends. 

If your birthday happens to fall on or near January 31 or August 3, this eclipse will fall on the same degree as your natal Sun and could be an indication that 2018 will be a turning point in your life (give me a call for more details).

Later on January 31, Mercury - the planet of communication - ventures into Aquarius for the next three weeks. News travels fast when Mercury is in this sign and you may find yourself coming up with lots of unusual ideas and insights. Keep a pencil handy cause the thoughts can go as fast as they come.

By Friday, February 2, the Moon will have slipped into hard working Virgo and will be making a very productive trine to generous Jupiter. Any pressing tasks that were ignored earlier in the week should be easily completed now.

Aquarian thought for the day:
Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself!
 - William Faulkner

Love to all,
Rosada, EXT 2340

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