Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Madness or What Was It I Came Here For?

Two little old ladies are chatting on a park bench reliving old times but also noting how frustrating it is when one's memory doesn't work as well it used to. "My memory is the worst," declares one friend. "I've known you for twenty years but I have to ask you : What was your name again?"
The second lady looks a bit sheepish and replies, "Uh - Do you have to know now?"

I've been using that phrase a lot lately as I've been feeling forgetful, confused, unsure of what direction to take - so it was very comforting when an astrologer friend of mine reassured me this is all part of the Great Shift in Consciousness the planet is going through this year.
It's as if our old brains have been unplugged for retooling and the new program hasn't been installed yet. In astrological terms this all relates to Uranus and Saturn. Uranus, the planet of new insights is now at at the first degrees of the first sign, Aries meaning a whole new world is on the horizon. However, we're not able to fully function there yet as Saturn, the planet of commitment is at the last degrees of Libra - the sign ruling contracts - impelling us to first complete old agreements, pay off debts, forgive any hurts but most particularly to fulfill our soul contracts.

Now what is a soul contract? 

Glad you asked: 

Supposedly before incarnating in a body we each made a promise, a commitment to do something or other with our time on earth. Trouble is, once our spirit entered the physical plane we all pretty much forgot what it was we agreed to do. This means that for much of our lifetimes we've bumbled about finding ourselves in bizarre situations with impossible people and asking, "Why was it I came here?" Well, now with Saturn exiting Libra and the deadline for rebirth December 21, 2012 coming up at the end of the year it's time to remember our vows and live the life we were created for. Trouble is, before we can remember our true intentions it seems we need to go through a period of releasing our old way of experiencing the world - mainly one in which everything took hard work and no miracles allowed. This belief system is no longer helpful or valid in the new age coming in. However, as most of our memories have been anchored to situations of challenge and stress, as we shift our belief systems from thinking working harder will save us to acknowledging the possibilities of miracles, our entire internal filing system is having to be reorganized. That's what's happening with human consciousness this spring. The changes are causing us all to feel a bit disoriented. Plus We've all been torn apart with very difficult situations these last 2 - 6 months, situations that could not be resolved with work or money. It's as if as a species we'd finally gotten ourselves in so much trouble we are at last willing to look to Spirit and to finally consider the possibility of miracles and divine intervention simply because nothing else is working! And lo! Spirit answers! I'm hearing stories everyday of folks turning to using prayer and visualization because nothing else could solve their problems but then as they do this the prayers are getting answered, the problems are getting solved!

This is wonderful of course, but we don't have this new belief system entirely up and running yet. During this period of transition as we are finally using these tools (and thus at last "getting it" that it really is our feeling tone and our expectations that create our reality) it means we are also having to rethink how we've been living our lives up until now and to re-evaluate what it all means. Thus our memories are literally disconnected this winter and and now we're re-membering, that is our memories are coming back together but in totally different patterns - ones that include the recognition of miracles and divine intervention. When the new understanding comes together we will all be feeling much healthier, smarter and just plain happier, but right now it's been rough, particularly these last two months when we've all been having problems that positively demanded we start believing in the potential of miracles because we had no where else to turn. But if you're reading this blog it means you're already a survivor! You've already recognized a miracle or two helped you make it through tumultuous January and February and now we can use these awarenesses even more profitably this March when even as the challenges get wilder both Venus and Jupiter, the planets of blessing and abundance, are in stable Taurus making it even easier see how thoughts and prayers do indeed become things

In order that you may more easily flow with the tremendous shift taking place I thought this week I'd post a daily To-Do List to help keep us out of confusion and focused on the future:

Try to do some of these every day:

Pray, chant, meditate, use affirmations - whatever is your thing but do something that invites spirit into your life.

Our minds are constantly judging everything going on as "good" or "bad", a very limiting practice. Train yourself to at least start by describing questionable situations as "An opportunity." You don't have to actually see the opportunity or even believe there is one. By saying the word you are calling the opportunity forth.

Then when you see your chance, take it!  Do something everyday that says to the world you are serious about being a part of the new consciousness. Follow your instincts. Your hunches will become stronger, louder, clearer as you start acting on them

Meat takes longer to digest and thus stays in our stomach longer and thus keeps our chi, our energy, centered in the lower chakras of fear and survival. Vegetables are more easily digested and quickly send the chi up to our higher centers of wisdom and love

 Our bodies are going through a huge transformation at this time. All the changes in our world are putting great demands on this our most valuable tool and possession. Resisting transformation or the opposite, trying to change too much too soon puts tremendous stress on this physical manifestation of our spiritual self. Talk to your body like you would any other animal you want to have as your helper and friend. Tell yourself your plans. Out loud. When we think something it stays in one part of the brain but when we say it out loud the idea is transfered to something like 20,000 places in the brain. Start the day by letting your body know your plans!

 Voice your intentions out loud. Then become quiet and feel your body's response. If you feel energized and excited like a dog eager to go for a run that's your body saying "Yes! This is doable. The path is clear." But sometimes the body says "No" and even a reasonable sounding idea doesn't arouse any enthusiasm.
Experience has shown me that when the body says "No" I've got to pay attention. Maybe my plan just needs to be tweaked a bit but often it turns out something was coming up I couldn't have known about but my instincts sensed on the horizon. Whatever, I've learned to pay attention to Mrs.Body!

If you try a few of these suggestions it's amazing how quickly you'll find Spirit helping you to recognize your life's purpose and your soul contract.

If you'd like to become even more clear about your soul contract call me and let's do a personal reading.

Opportunities are everywhere!

Rosada, EXT 2340


  1. I also have a psychic and tarot blog. In fact, we are using the same template! Anyway, I like the information you shared here. It's rich with useful content. Thanks

  2. Thank you for reading Yuri!
    And especially thank you for posting a comment!


  3. I feel inspired from reading your blog. Please continue to write more.

    I would like to get psychic readings on the phone also.

  4. Thank you, psychicjim,

    You can usually reach me in the mornings between 9 and noon est, If you call ahead and set up an appointment that's even better as it gives me a chance to study your astrological chart before we talk.

