Saturday, October 27, 2012

Living with Awareness

When I declared my intention in my blog last week to spend this next year following the guidance of the stars in a focused disciplined manner, I imagined that I might be able to foresee potential problems (and opportunities!) and thus adapt accordingly. Perhaps this will eventually become the case but this last week I found that even with all my planetary awareness I was still sucked into drama. For example, I was intending to be traveling last Tuesday, October 23. The sun was squaring Mercury - never good for travel or making connections, and also the sun was trining Neptune that morning, a warning to allow plenty of time for delays. I figured this could mean the desire to sleep late could lead to missed flights (Neptune rules sleep) and also there could be a series of confusions and misunderstandings meaning I might possibly have to do a teensy bit of waiting... So...I intentionally packed a good book and set my alarm clock. I got to the airport and onto the plane without a hitch. We left right on time. "Aha!" I thought, "By being prepared for them, the problems don't even manifest!"  Then... Neptune took charge. We landed in Houston, not my final destination, just a stop over - just the sort of nebulous area Neptune rules. We were told there would be a 15 minute delay while they fixed some fuel gauge... 30 minutes later we were told there would be a 15 wait while they brought in a replacement gauge... An hour later we were told to get off the plane to stretch before take off in 15 minutes... Then a suitcase fell out of an over head bin and hit a stewardess in the head... We were told there would be another wait while they called in a replacement stewardess... By this time the entire flight crew had gone into overtime so now we had to wait as all of them had to be replaced... Ultimately, after this series of very strange and unusual Neptunian incidents, the plane did take off and we finally made it home - 5 hours late!

So what does an astrologer learn from this? If I had started this study earlier I probably would have noted the aspects and chosen not to travel on that day at all. But by the time I decided to check the planets I'd already bought my ticket so off I went. Anyway, I will make a note of this and hopefully remember not to schedule a trip the next time the moon is squaring Mercury and especially not when the sun is trining Neptune - which will be in about 4 months.

 Keeping a journal detailing what you have experienced on the days the planets are making their various aspects is a wonderful way of developing your awareness of what the planets cycles mean for you personally. Even if you are not able to avoid the difficulty, knowing it makes sense astrologically can make you feel a bit better. (Seeing that difficult aspect coming did remind me to take a book along which made the wait so much easier.)

Some of the planetary aspects to watch for this week:

Monday, October 29. Mercury, the ruler of travel, will now square Neptune, the planet of dreams and confusion. Plus it's the day of the Full Moon! Yowza, the line up of planets tonight looks like a repeat/intensification of what we just went through! It's true the moon will be in Taurus which tends to be grounding, but it can't totally undo the effects of the Mercury-Neptune square. Make lists, carry a map and double check your facts. Beware of space aliens and UFO's.

Halloween night Venus in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries. Original costumes and unlikely partnerships win the top prize.

Saturday, November 3. Venus then moves on to square Pluto in Capricorn. Focus on the next week's election could cause tempers to flare. Note to self: Don't try to change anybody's vote.

The harsh heavenly aspects coming up next week do point to some trials here on the earth. With Neptune at the first degree of Pisces and then Saturn at the first degrees of Scorpio I think we're being guided to look within to know what's real and who to trust. Events that don't add up in the physical plane may make sense to us from a spiritual perspective.

With all the confusion going on don't forget to vote!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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