Sunday, March 17, 2013

Enlightenment Made Easy

Have you ever wondered just what this idea that Time is Speeding Up is all about? I used to ask  various knowledgable people about this and all I ever got in response was a bunch of mumbo jumbo about physics and the speed of light. Today - just as Mercury is turning direct! - I spoke with a fellow who gave me an answer that I think sums it up very nicely.

 My friend was talking about the meaning of December 21, 2012, the day the Mayan calendar marked as the end of one era and the beginning of another and this idea that time is now speeding up. "The meaning of this idea that 'time is speeding up'," he explained, "is that people are experiencing less and less of a time gap between their inner feeling and their outer worlds. For example, a hundred years ago if you were pushing yourself too hard and worrying constantly and then had a heart attack at forty it's doubtful anyone recognized it was the stress that killed you because dying at forty wasn't so unusual then, so people didn't connect the outer world manifestation, the heart attack, with the person's inner attitude. They just assumed you died of Old Age. Today we expect to live longer so when something bad happens to a forty year old we no longer accept it as normal, we look for other causes and recognize the inner  attitude had an effect on their health. With this insight comes the realization that likewise a positive attitude can have a beneficial effect. Over time enough people have seen the connections between inner attitude and outer experience so that now it's taken for granted that of course our inner feeling shapes our outer world and furthermore, finally enough of us have come to this awareness that today we've reached a sort of tipping point in Universal Consciousness. Now whether you personally fully accept the idea that your thoughts become things, enough other people do believe this so now the principal is manifesting more quickly in everybody's life, even non-believers.  Plus, as more people are connecting, becoming enlightened - because this is what enlightenment is - seeing the connection -  the connections are becoming more and more obvious and thus manifesting faster and faster: The more we see it, the more we see it! This will have enormous consequences for all of us in the months ahead because what this means is people are waking up to their power! We no longer think sayings like, "Be the change you want to see in the world" are just sweet platitudes. Hundreds and thousands of us are GETTING IT, really seeing this is how it's done, this is the only way it's done: we  change the outer world by changing our inner life.  What fabulous miracles will be occurring this year as we singlely and collectively go within, focus on our highest good and then recognize it manifesting in our outer worlds. And the more we practice this, the more we exercise this principle, the more we get this, the less resistance we'll have to seeing this is how it works and thus, the more quickly our inner feelings will be manifesting, and time between feeling and seeing will be speeding up."

This conversation got me thinking about The New Moon last week and it's Sabian Symbol. The symbol at the New Moon has meaning for events coming up in the month ahead. The Sabian Symbol for the degree the New Moon was at this month - 22 Pisces - is "A prophet bringing down the new law from the mountain." So did that image millions of faithful astrology fans were focusing on manifest? I think so - last week was when they elected a new pope!  I mean that seems like a pretty close connection between an inner visualization - a new prophet - and an outer manifestation - a new Pope! So now will he breathe fresh life into the Catholic church? Will he indeed be "bringing down new law"? It will be interesting to watch and see if he does - or, since this is what the times demand, what happens to him if he does not...?

This week's Sabian Symbol is chosen for the degree of the first quarter moon coming up on Tuesday, March 19. The moon will be at 30 degrees Gemini and the image is of "A parade of bathing beauties before a large beach crowd, a gathering of goddesses and water nymphs." What could this possibly be referring to? The emphasis on the feminine could bring issues of female empowerment to the forefront. On the other hand, there is only one winner at a beauty contest so perhaps there is a warning here that anyone who has been playing around with multiple partners will be finding their infidelities exposed. I guess we'll have to hold this thought and see what manifests. With the Moon opposing Pluto and Mars conjuncting Uranus this week I wouldn't recommend you fellows telling your wives about all your old girlfriends just now...

The planets this week:

Wednesday March 20 is The Spring Equinox and International Astrology Day.
The moon in Cancer will be opposing Pluto in Capricorn at 2:02 edt. Power struggles and drama between The Individual and Big Government. Not a good time for trying to launch radical change but if you just sweetly keep on keeping on with projects already begun you could accomplish a lot before the Moon enters Leo early Friday morning.

Mars conjuncts Uranus Friday afternoon. The best way to deal with Mars and Uranus is to do things that REWARD disruption and change, cause when these two wise guys get together sparks fly and nothing follows a schedule.

The Moon will trine Pluto on Palm Sunday, a positive aspect for the new Pope's first Easter week. A great aspect for everyone to feel the return of Spring.

Join the Parade!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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