Sunday, March 10, 2013

Leapin' Leprechauns!

The New Moon Monday (3:51 pm est.) happens at 22.24 Pisces. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is the image of A Prophet Bringing Down The New Law From The Mountain. To understand what this might portend in your life try visualizing such a scene and then describe what you see in words. Could the prophet be you channeling new information? Perhaps the prophet is guidance coming to you, either from the outer world or from your own inner wisdom. In our public lives the new moon here may be about manifesting new rules and guidelines at our work, maybe a new contract or even a whole new job. On the universal stage we may note significant new laws and amendments. It could be a caution not to take what others say as "gospel" without considering our own beliefs and whether this "New Law" rings true in your inner being. This aspect is significant for the whole month but may be particularly meaningful on the full and three quarter moon. How ever this energy manifests it's sure to be bringing in the strong Piscean message: when the student is ready, the teacher appears!

Tuesday Mars will begin his month long sojourn in Aries. This is Mar's home sign meaning all the qualities Mars is famous for - initiative, speed but also rash action - will be on parade. After having spent this passed month floating around in Pisces, Mars is now eager to get to work making those Piscean fantasies real. Be careful on this day not to go too far too fast. Uranus is also in Aries and when these two meet up strong feelings of entitlement throw caution to the wind - which could lead to some rude awakenings when the Moon conjuncts both of them and then moves on to square Pluto on Wednesday. Particularly don't get talked into running up your credit cards on get rich quick schemes. Mercury is retrograde so just say, "I'll get back to you."

Hopefully any trouble we find ourselves in at the beginning of the week we'll be able to sort out when the Moon goes into Taurus and trines Pluto Friday morning and continues the flow to a lovely sextile with the Sun (still in Pisces) on Saturday. This Moon in Taurus / Sun in Pisces combo invites you to call your friends for a delicious St. Patrick's Day feast Saturday night. Now there's a Prophet we can all enjoy!

Mercury will turn direct Sunday afternoon, so we can breathe a collective sigh of relief then. Although maybe I shouldn't promise too much - Mercury is in Pisces till mid April and when this planet that rule's the mind is swirling in the Piscean sea of dreams I don't know if direct or retrograde makes any difference. It's the right time for writing poetry though and for remembering that it's all good and that, hey, we're all just making this up anyway!

Think Green!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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