Sunday, February 7, 2016

Chinese New Year and The Year of The Fire Monkey

On Monday, February 8 the Aquarius New Moon welcomes in the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey. Like the animal it's named after, the energy of the Fire Monkey year is known for darting about like Curious George. You may find yourself inclined now to take more risks, have more adventures and in general just be more open to the new and unpredictable! We'll start feeling the shift pretty quickly because in true Fire Monkey fashion, Mercury is going to be escaping from calm stable Capricorn next Saturday and swinging into wild and crazy Aquarius. Use this zap of fearlessness to reconsider your goals and New year's Resolutions. Did you dream big enough? Travel and meeting new people are especially fortuitous in Monkey years.

Valentine's Day is coming up Sunday, February 14th. The Moon will be making a lovely trine to Pluto early that morning meaning Breakfast in Bed a delightful lover's treat. In fact, you might even have a better time if you skip the breakfast and just go for the bed. ;-)

The good vibrations continue through out the morning as the Moon - now in luxury loving Taurus - will be sliding up to make a luscious connect with joyous Jupiter - so you'll have plenty of time to shower your soulmate with flowers and kisses on this special day.

However, there is one tiny Danger Alert you need to be aware of. If you DON'T make an effort to commemorate Cupid on February 14th, by late mid afternoon the Moon will start to oppose spiteful Mars in Scorpio and with the Moon then next making a stubborn square to the Sun those who have been slighted will hang on to hurt feelings for a looong time. Do us all a favor: Be a clever Monkey and stock up on the chocolate now.

As this is a New Moon tomorrow, the usual encouragement to start something new at this time applies. Wednesday is going to host another particularly good line up of planets when the Moon in Pisces will be opposite Jupiter in Virgo, and then sextile  to Venus and Mercury in Capricorn. It just so happens my neighbor and I will be taking food over to the local homeless shelter at this time. Feels like terrific manifestation of the Pisces love-thy-brother honor code.

Friday might get pretty lively with the Moon conjuncting / upsetting Uranus first thing in the morning. Hopefully any difficulties will be soothed away by afternoon when the Moon makes a friendly connecction with Jupiter and then the Sun. If people are stubborn, difficulties could continue on into the night as the Moon next moves to square Venus and Mercury.

All in all, a mostly loving week ahead that could be even nicer with a little bit of planning and forethought.

Best wishes for a Happy Valentine's Day,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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