Sunday, February 28, 2016

Timing The Market with Astrology.

Anyone who plays the stock market has their eyes on gold and oil this week. The Sun rules gold and it's making a tight square to Saturn, the planet ruling restriction. As this symbolizes the value of gold being held back, many who use the stars to help guide their trades feel this line up indicates gold is being undervalued now and that it will be rising once the Sun passes Saturn on Sunday March 6. Maybe a good time to get in?

Oil is represented by the planet Neptune. Neptune will be strong in it's own sign, Pisces, for the next several years but what makes it particularly strong this week is that the Sun is in Pisces now too, giving Neptune/oil an extra boost up. This means that although the price of gas has been way down at the pump, those who follow the stars believe oil investments may pay off handsomely in the next month or two.

Please understand that I am not a stock market expert! I am posting these tips for fun and to make people more aware of the many uses for astrology. If you are thinking about investing in gold or oil this week please don't do it just because the stars seem say the time is right. This is an experiment and I will report back in a couple of weeks and then we'll see if these types of predictions amount to anything.

Meanwhile here are some other aspects you can use to time events in your life according to the stars and hopefully you will see some positive results:

Sunday night through Monday morning, February 28 - 29, the Moon will conjunct angry Mars in stubborn Scorpio. Not a good opportunity for negotiating - egos are easily bumped and arguments could flair up big time. I wonder if this could be a reflection on the drama involving the Oscars? Scorpio is the "all or nothing" sign and there was a furor because not a single person of color was nominated for the main awards. On the "all" side, Moon in Scorpio could indicate one movie sweeping most all the awards.

Monday, Feb.29, Venus in Aquarius sextiles reliable Saturn in Sagittarius. Solid friendships are formed and strengthened under aspects like this.

Tuesday night the Moon will  enter Sag and be paired with the rule-minded Saturn. It's a good opportunity for making plans for bringing visions into reality.

Wednesday we have some excitement: Venus will be trying a few tricks when she sextiles Uranus in Aries which could result in people breaking out of old routines and making new connections. Use this energy to your advantage by intentionally seeking out new experience.

Thursday March 3 has the Moon entering  organizing Capricorn and sextiling dreamy Neptune - another indication folks will find ways to get serious about making dreams come true.

Friday the fourth we have the Moon squaring Uranus and Mercury squaring Mars. I wouldn't try to predict the stock market today! Furthermore this could signal arguing even among friends so maybe use these energetic planets to encourage exercise. Burn calories - not bridges!

The week closes with the Sun finally moving past a suppressing square to Saturn - and on to a renewing sextile to revitalizing Pluto. Old habits that no longer serve you can be easily discarded now and replaced with new successful strategies.

With all the pushing and shoving and stubbornness showing up in the planetary patterns this week the core message for survival seems to be simply to exercise more self discipline. Don't allow yourself to be influenced by everything that goes on around you. Conversely, don't try to influence everyone that comes into your circle.

So don't let me influence you but... if oil goes up - you heard it here first!


Rosada, EXT 2340

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