Sunday, November 26, 2017

Mars Opposition Uranus - Keep It Simple, Take It Slow.

The holiday roller coaster ride is gaining traction and this week's forecast alerts to the peaks and valleys that go along with it. It looks like this week is going to be full of ups and downs so fasten your seat belts and focus on the opportunities for joy and soften the possibilities for jolts.

A grumpy Mercury Saturn conjunction on Tuesday, November 28, might emphasize just how tired we are of all the holiday hype and leave us feeling we not only can't get everything done - we don't even want to. This Bah - Humbug! aspect can actually make things less confusing however, if you use it to help you simplify, make lists and keep expectations realistic.

Things will look a lot merrier and brighter on Wednesday, November 29, when a Sun-Moon trine in fire signs lights up our holiday spirit! Could be a good day to launch the season by sending off a stack of Christmas cards.

The good vibrations just keep coming on Friday, December 1, when Venus finally loses her fascination with dark, deep Scorpio drama and floats on into cheerful Sagittarius. Loving Venus in philosophical Sag brings a joyful feeling of good will and this well meaning energy will be with us all the way until Christmas.

That's a good thing to remember as also on Friday Mars will be opposing Uranus, which could trigger sudden disruptions.

But all is not lost! (I warned you this week was going to be full of ups and downs...) The Moon will be in sensuous Taurus on Friday and the final aspect will be a trine to rejuvenating Pluto. Looks to me that while we can expect some Mars/Uranus flare-ups, still a tasty dinner with some holiday sparkle is all that's necessary to heal bruised egos. Any business deals - or romances! - that may have appeared to be heading south this week have a chance to be renegotiated now.

One final warning:
This Mars - Uranus stand off is often associated with accidents, gun fire and all sorts of harsh stuff so do use caution this week. Fortunately there's one more miracle positive alignment coming together on Saturday, December 2. Jupiter will make an unusual once-in-twelve-years trine to Neptune which could go a long way to cushioning the harshness. Just be careful that warm fuzzy feelings don't inspire impulsive budget shattering Christmas shopping!

Ho x 3!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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