Sunday, December 3, 2017

Mercury AND Uranus Retrograde? Even Santa Gets Confused.

I feel like 2017 has been a great big box of crazy and here at the end of the year anything that didn't get thrown at us before is being tossed in now. And we still have four more weeks to go...
Here's what we're dealing with folks - the basic trends are explained by the placement of the 3 outer planets:
Pluto, the planet ruling secrets and sex known as the Lord of Death, Rebirth and Transformation, has been transiting Capricorn, the sign of government. We are now in the middle of this cycle and the awareness how corrupt and unworkable governments are cannot be ignored any longer. Donald Trump ran with the promise of "draining the swamp". His promise resonated with enough voters and the collective unconscious to get him elected. However, he's just a pawn in Pluto's game and Pluto doesn't play favorites. The swamp has hit the fan and everyone in the public eye from t.v. celebrities to Trump himself to is being exposed. This will continue through out 2018 so we can expect more inconvenient truths coming to light.
Next up, Neptune, the planet ruling dreams and illusions and also lies and deceptions continues to be powerful in his home sign Pisces. Neptune is responsible for bringing awareness of all the "fake news" - did anyone even know there was such a thing as fake news. before this year? - and also awareness of the less fortunate. A lot of stories this year have been about victims of all kinds from shootings to floods to sexual assault. Neptune says separation is an illusion and that we are all one. Stories of victims will continue to grow even more prominent in the new year nudging society to recognize what happens to one will eventually effect us all.
Uranus is the planet of free will and in Aries he particularly ignites issues having to do with individual freedoms, like free speech and the right to bear arms. He has been retrograde for several months and during this time harsh debate has been going on as to just what our freedoms are.
Mercury will also retrograde this month. Having both the planets that rule the mind moving backwards suggests finding answers by going within. Time for deep soul searching and deciding just what it is we truly believe in.

These outer planets set the tone for what manifests up close in our personal lives. With Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces I think we're going to find the plight of the underdog will become more and more obvious as indeed more and more of us start to feel we ARE the under dogs. The good news is that Uranus in Aries encourages new ways of dealing with old problems. Independent thinkers will be rewarded. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do to create a whole new country!

Confusing but exciting.
Liveliest days this week will be Thursday December 7 and Friday December 8.
Get a lot done and have a lot of fun doing it.

 Bingle jells!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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