Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Full Moon in Aquarius - Choose Joy!

The month has come when we are most likely to achieve our aims through the encouragement of others. The full moon in Aquarius opposition Sun in Leo absorbs all the love energy of the Sun has to give, which means people in general - Moon in Aquarius means individuals as a group, the group entity - are looking to respond to those who offer love and inspiration - Sun in Leo.

 Encouragement is one of the great motivators of mankind. It can inspire us to co-operate and achieve, even to the point of overcoming the fear of death itself. Indeed, when we encourage others we take on God-like powers. Practice your ability to radiate love this week to all those you come in contact with, particularly on August 23 - 24 when there is going to be a stressful line up of planets with Venus in harsh aspect to Uranus and Pluto. This difficult connection between the planet ruling relationships and the planets known for upset and jealousy could manifest in power struggles between lovers and friends. By knowing in advance social functions will be highlighted now, your encouragement and kindness will sooth hurt feelings and lead the way to significant social achievements. This is not the time to be critical or opinionated! Don't be fooled by the striking effect intimidation has over others. It wears off quickly and leaves behind only unpleasant associations. Instead, strive to create accord within your society by encouraging others in the pursuit of their individual goals.

On the national scene the Sun in Leo tells us if ever there were an audience for a charismatic and exceptional leader among men, it exists now. In business and political affairs, friendliness, kindness, and expansiveness toward others will create a spirit unparalleled in loyalty. Pluto in Capricorn says people are willing to take upon themselves all manner of hardship and sacrifice toward the attainment of goals, and due to the harsh aspect to Venus there is the possibility of taking pleasure even in suffering. There is great potential for benefit for all concerned this week. To discover your special reward, ask yourself through out the day, "What am I getting out of feeling as I do?" Sadness turns to joy when we dare to look deeply.

Generally, the waning moon ( the two weeks following the full moon) favors talk and discussion. It's the time for evaluating what has passed and planning for what's ahead. The two weeks following the annual Sun in Leo/ Moon in Aquarius full moon is particularly favored for communication with others. We now have the opportunity to get into honest and open philosophical accord with our fellow man.

Quick tip - The Sun loves to give gifts especially to encourage children. Give a child a learning tool this week and watch your good karma grow!

Reality is a group fantasy,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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