Friday, August 2, 2013

Messages from Polly

I apologize for being a few days later than usual with my weekly blog.My sister passed away Monday. The transiting planet Uranus was exact on her Sun, describing some sort of accident. So far until we get the autopsy report all we know is she collapsed in her bedroom after telling the cleaning lady she was going to give herself an antibiotic injection (she had Lyme's disease). The lady, Maria, says she heard Polly scream and then there was a thud. When she entered the room she found Polly lying on the floor unresponsive. When the ambulance arrived they pronounced her dead. What happened? My guess is that there was an air bubble in the needle that went into the blood stream. Alternatively her son wonders if perhaps the antibiotic had something wrong with it. We'll know next week. Meanwhile I consulted the I Ching asking for a message.

The I Ching is an ancient Chinese Oracle. One consults it by tossing coins. The way the coins land indicates which pages to turn to. For the reading about my sister's passing I received Hexagram 33. Retreat with particular attention to lines 4.5.6. Read what the I Ching has to say and see if you don't think it beautifully describes her leaving her earthly life and moving on:

33. Retreat.
This is a time for withdrawal and consideration, not for action. 

Line 4. 
He easily makes mistakes which he later regrets.

[Does this refer to a mistake with giving herself an injection?]

Line 5.
He has worked hard - he should feel free to rest. He deserves a comfortable life because he has done so much for others.

[Could be describing my sister. Do the words "deserves a comfortable life" mean she goes on to reincarnate in some place pleasant? She certainly did so much for everyone who knew her.]

Line 6.
He hides away honorably. This will bring many advantages.
He has nothing to worry about because he is polite, honest and considerate. 
He will have a comfortable life.

[Another beautiful line that comforts me - assurance that my sister will move on well.]

Finally the I Ching  directed me to read Hexagram 15. Modesty.
Modesty considered to be the most positive hexagram in the I Ching because Modesy is the virtue that will get us through any situation.
"The modest man will eventually succeed in everything. He is successful because of his courteous behavior. This hexagram also refers to people who give to the poor and are never reliant upon those in power."
[This line actually gave me a chuckle - my sister could never be described as "modest" - with a tenth house Aries Sun and Moon she wanted to be sure EVERYONE was aware of her hard work and accomplishments. But she did donate money to worthy causes and the bit about never being reliant upon those in power was true but not by choice. She strongly felt she had been wrongfully denied a pension. I wonder if perhaps this second hexagram is describing what's ahead for her? Like, perhaps in her next lifetime she will not work so hard for public recognition and will consciously choose not to look for pensions, inheritances or support from any program that suggests she is unable to be anything less than totally self-reliant.

So that's what the I Ching had to tell me about my sister. I found it very accurate and reassuring. Since that reading I have tried asking several other questions and have been amazed at how they seem to be giving me insight into my sister's experience passing over into "The Next Room."

I am going to give her soul a little time to settle in and then hopefully next week I will begin posting here excerpts from the messages she has been sending me.

God bless you, Polly!
You are the best sister ever,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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