Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mercury Squaring Saturn - Times Up!

"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not deter or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again."
-Stephen GrelletI

Mercury has moved out of Cancer this week and heads into Leo. This means that many of us are now waking up to how we have let our mental state - Mercury - be manipulated by our security issues - Cancer. 

We see this energy pattern manifesting on the global scene with governments trying harder and harder to guarantee security by creating more surveillance devices. more laws, more systems of control. It's hasn't worked. Indeed we are witnessing a very bad example of The Law of Attraction: All this attention on creating security has only served to create more paranoia. The recent news headlines have been all about how government's attempts to prevent problems have actually created them. From the Trayvon Martin tragedy where a man acting under the assumption that he was protecting his neighborhood from a criminal was lead by his own fears to kill an innocent boy, to the Manning trial where a soldier has bee given a life sentanse for leaking information the government admits caused no harm, we see where focusing on eliminating terrorists has created more fear and insecurity than ever.

What is the solution? We're being given a clue today as we see Mercury now moving into Leo, the sign of Love and Creativity. I think of the expression, "Nature abhors a vacuum" and the idea that fear is the absence of love. In other words, where love does not exist, we don't just have neutrality. If we do not have Love we have Fear. To move out of Fear and into Love we need to do something pro-active. Mercury in Cancer worries. Mercury in Leo loves!

But time is running out. Mercury squares Saturn this Sunday -  a harsh aspect meaning our habitual mental attitude creates our physical reality - without mercy. In other words, we starkly see how our attempts to control our experience along with our abilities to rationalize, justify and just plain ignore what's happening aren't going to save us any longer. What will work is our willingness to accept ourselves and all that is with the knowingness that It's All Good AND there is a fabulous line up of planets coming up on Sunday to show us this is true:

 Make a point of being aware Sunday August 10,  1:09 p.m. est.
 The moon will be in the seventh house and Jupiter will be aligned with Mars. Sound familiar?:

When the Moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars..
Then Peace will rule the planets.
And love will steer the stars.
-The Dawning of The Age of Aquarius.

Ready for take off!


Rosada, EXT 2340

Rosada, EXT 2340

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