Thursday, July 14, 2016

Sun Square Uranus, Venus and Mercury into Leo: What The World Needs Now

Remember the old song, "What The World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love?" We should hold a group sing along this week...

The Sun in Cancer is moving up to a brutal square to Uranus in Aries which will be exact Saturday morning July 16. Although we usually  think of the Sun as the good natured jolly old soul of the zodiac his true purpose is to shine light on what ever is going on - the good the bad and the ugly. This square to rebellious Uranus warns this could be a week when a lot of angry energies come out in the open and mankind is once again forced to recognize that there are some very unhappy campers out there. How can we navigate what is likely to be another cycle of upsets and surprises? The Placements of the Moon, Mercury and Venus offer us some clues:

The Moon will be spending the first half of the week in Scorpio making everything seem a bit more of An Issue than it really needs to be. Scorpio is the sign of the detective so resolve to look more closely at situations to be sure you've got your facts straight before you over-react. You may also need to be the calm one in the group if you find yourself confronted with others extreme reactions. On Friday the Moon will move into legal minded Sagittarius - the time each month when the hidden truths are brought out in the open. It will also be making an exact conjunction to Saturn, the planet of rules and limits so we may be hearing a lot about court cases both domestic and international. Perhaps some important decisions will be made about Brexit or China's presence in the south china sea.

On the home front you may be realizing your various agreements both with friends and business associates need to be clarified and solidified. It's a day to be sensible, even cautious.

The good news is that both Venus and Mercury will be moving out of emotional Cancer and into more dignified Leo this week so hopefully we'll find some of the embarrassing cavorting of our political figures will calm down a bit. In fact both Venus and Mercury in Leo want very much to attract and share love and good tidings so maybe we'll see our leaders and news reporters toning down the fear and drama stories in favor of spreading a little charm and good will.

The world could sure use it about now.

On a more positive note, the Sun in Cancer will trine Mars in Scorpio  on Saturday, July 15. A perfect combo for manifesting one's heart's desire - perhaps by revitalizing (Scorpio) an old love or re-purposing a discarded garage sale treasure (Cancer rules antiques)!

May all your surprises be happy ones!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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