Sunday, July 24, 2016

Uranus Trine Mercury: Genius Speaks!

Lightening bolts falling from the sky - lets hope they hit the right targets!

This week the planet Uranus, known for ignoring all restrictions and bringing truth to light, is making a major aspect to Mercury, the planet that rules an individual's ability to process information independently - that is, Mercury shows how we think for ourselves. This rare and exciting connection means people are going to be waking up and seeing where we have been lulled into compliance and then we're going to be seeing opportunities to take back our power. In real life this could manifest in your recognizing where you have been listening to advice that isn't getting you anywhere - like television ads selling you worthless junk. This is going to be the week where people stand up and say, "That doesn't work for me!" and then, because Uranus does bring flashes of brilliance, we are going to see people coming up with some truly liberating new ideas.

On the personal level  this could mean you find you can better get your goals accomplished when you don't follow the directions. Maybe you realize you don't need all those medications your prescribed or maybe you realize you're a better cook without the recipe. On the political front we may find the various lies political candidates have used to try to persuade us are shown to be just that, lies, and now we want to be able to vote our conscience. We may hear some terrific new ideas too, however, so keep your prejudices in check and your ears and heart open.

For example, I've just learned that Bearnie Sanders has asked Hilary Clinton to make affordable college education one of her key goals as president. That would certainly fit with Uranus, higher intelligence, combining with Mercury, the ordinary mind. Let's see if she does it...

Unfortunately the problem is that almost as quickly as they open, the doors of perception will be slamming closed. Uranus will be turning retrograde on Friday and continue to be retrograde through out the election cycle and on through till December. Our brief moment of letting the bells of freedom ring may be over quickly as people could once again slip into the habit of watching the news and being manipulated by how others interpret it. It doesn't have to be this way. Uranus retrograde can indeed mean we are tempted to back off from seeing the real conditions of our lives but it can also mean we now know we can turn off the noise, turn within and maintain our inner light without making a big show.

The possibility of quietly refusing to give more attention/energy to fear and drama is further supported by Mercury moving out of the showman's sign Leo on Saturday and into the practical sign of Virgo. I think this will mean we've all had enough of the hysteria and whoopla in the news this summer. Mercury in Virgo demands healthy food and real facts.

Uranus rules astrology so this week is also a particularly good time for having your horoscope read!

Have your birth time and date handy and please give me a call.
Rosada, EXT 2340

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